_Maxime runs fast
Mika Persdotter, viola & objects
Tomás Gubbins, guitars (+ pedals) & objects
“Maxime runs fast” is a new duo that started in the autumn of 2023 by Mika Persdotter (SE) and Tomás Gubbins (CL). Coming from the contemporary and experimental scenes in Chile and Copenhagen the duo meets over the interest in sound and developing abstraction through diverse aspects on music making such as graphical scores, form, texture, timbre and silence.
Tomás Gubbins, guitars (+ pedals) & objects
“Maxime runs fast” is a new duo that started in the autumn of 2023 by Mika Persdotter (SE) and Tomás Gubbins (CL). Coming from the contemporary and experimental scenes in Chile and Copenhagen the duo meets over the interest in sound and developing abstraction through diverse aspects on music making such as graphical scores, form, texture, timbre and silence.